Start a 14 Day Free Trial
Eliminate all the time you waste scheduling meetings.
Gain a scheduling assistant for 14 days free then only $6 per month.
(No Credit Card Needed to Start)
Better than Just a Meeting Link
Stop losing meetings, by waiting for your guests to do all the work of scheduling for you.
Traditional Calendar Links Leave Meetings on the Table because:
Calendar link in
email isn't clicked
Link is clicked, but scheduling was abandoned
It's awkward to ask a invitee to do the
work of scheduling
Manually emailing to schedule takes
far too long
Kronologic Quick Launcher
Your Set-It-and-Forget-It Auto Scheduler
4 Step Quick Launcher Schedules Meetings For You
Quick Launcher is like having your own personal assistant to schedule meetings
including handling meeting time adjustment requests.
Select Meeting

Edit Copy

Add Guest

Review & Launch

Use Cases

Don't burden your buyers with link-based schedulers. They require too much work.

Setup Meeting
After submitting the form, you'll receive an invite to discuss:
Your use cases
Walk you through set up
We can even help you build your first meeting template!
Looking forward to speaking to your about your scheduling needs.